publications and selected abstracts in reversed chronological order.
nSEA: n-Node Subnetwork Enumeration Algorithm Identifies Lower Grade Glioma Subtypes with Altered Subnetworks and Distinct PrognosticsIn PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON BIOCOMPUTING 2024 , 2024
Human alveolar macrophages display marked hypo-responsiveness to IFN-γin both proteomic and gene expression analysisPlos one, 2024
Inflammation and cytoskeleton pathway gene expression relates to rate of clinical progression in individuals with Alzheimers diseaseIn Alzheimerś Association International Conference , 2024
CSF immune cell phenotypes and their related pathway activation differ by Alzheimers disease stage compared to normal controlsIn Alzheimer’s Association International Conference , 2024
CADRE: Utilizing CAncer Drug Response nEtwork for Drug Synergy PredictionIn , 2024Presented at the RECOMB CCB 2024
Transcriptomic analysis of lung development in wildtype and CFTR-/- sheep suggests an early inflammatory signature in the CF distal lungFunctional & Integrative Genomics, 2023
Microbiome, socioeconomic status (SES), fiber intake, and response to checkpoint inhibitor therapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): A pilot study.2023
CSF immune cell phenotypes and their related pathway activation differ in MCI stage of Alzheimer’s disease compared to controlsIn Alzheimer’s Association International Conference , 2023
Hypo-responsiveness of human alveolar macrophages to IFN-γis not due to attenuated STAT1 signalingbioRxiv, 2022
Piwil1 regulates glioma stem cell maintenance and glioblastoma progressionCell reports, 2021
TNFRSF1B gene variants and related soluble TNFR2 levels impact resilience in Alzheimer’s diseaseFrontiers in aging neuroscience, 2021
Evaluation of microbiome alterations following consumption of BIOHM, a novel probioticCurrent issues in molecular biology, 2021
Role for Specific Inflammatory Pathway Analytes Predicting Clinical Progression in MCI Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease (4466)Neurology, 2020
The transcriptional repressor BCL11A promotes breast cancer metastasisJournal of Biological Chemistry, 2020
Inflammatory pathway analytes predicting rapid cognitive decline in MCI stage of Alzheimer’s diseaseAnnals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 2020
A functional genomics approach to investigate the differentiation of iPSCs into lung epithelium at air-liquid interfaceJournal of cellular and molecular medicine, 2020
Frequent subgraph mining of functional interaction patterns across multiple cancersIn BIOCOMPUTING 2021: Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium , 2020
Hypoxic induction of vasorin regulates Notch1 turnover to maintain glioma stem-like cellsCell stem cell, 2018
PARP1 is up-regulated in non-small cell lung cancer tissues in the presence of the cyanobacterial toxin microcystinFrontiers in microbiology, 2018
Frequent subgraph mining of personalized signaling pathway networks groups patients with frequently dysregulated disease pathways and predicts prognosisIn PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON BIOCOMPUTING 2017 , 2017
Microbiomic differences in tumor and paired-normal tissue in head and neck squamous cell carcinomasGenome medicine, 2017
Mitotic vulnerability in triple-negative breast cancer associated with LIN9 is targetable with BET inhibitorsCancer research, 2017
Network based model of social media big data predicts contagious disease diffusionInformation discovery and delivery, 2017
Identifying gene interaction networksStatistical Human Genetics: Methods and Protocols, 2017
LIN9 is a mitotic vulnerability in triple-negative breast cancer that is targetable with BET inhibitors.In MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL , 2017
Functional Characteristics of Cancer Driver Genes in Colorectal CancerCase Western Reserve University , 2017
Neural transcriptome of constitutional Pten dysfunction in mice and its relevance to human idiopathic autism spectrum disorderMolecular psychiatry, 2016
Proteome dynamics reveals pro-inflammatory remodeling of plasma proteome in a mouse model of NAFLDJournal of proteome research, 2016
BET protein inhibition blocks growth of triple-negative breast cancer by inducing mitotic and cytokinetic dysfunctionCancer Research, 2016
Proteomic and bioinformatics profile of paired human alveolar macrophages and peripheral blood monocytesProteomics, 2015
Abstract B1-43: Cancer drug response networks built for comparative cancer pharmacogenomics identifies combination therapies for repositioningCancer Research, 2015
Quantitative H2S-mediated protein sulfhydration reveals metabolic reprogramming during the integrated stress responseelife, 2015
Cancer drug response networks built for comparative cancer pharmacogenomics identifies combination therapies for repositioningIn CANCER RESEARCH , 2015
Drug intervention response predictions with PARADIGM (DIRPP) identifies drug resistant cancer cell lines and pathway mechanisms of resistanceIn Biocomputing 2014 , 2014
Germline alterations in RASAL1 in Cowden syndrome patients presenting with follicular thyroid cancer and in individuals with apparently sporadic epithelial thyroid cancerThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2014
Hypomethylation of the MMP7 promoter and increased expression of MMP7 distinguishes the basal-like breast cancer subtype from other triple-negative tumorsBreast cancer research and treatment, 2014
Germline Alterations in RASAL1 in PTEN Wildtype Cowden Syndrome Patients Presenting with Follicular Thyroid Cancer and in Individuals with Apparently Sporadic Epithelial Thyroid CancerIn ENDOCRINE REVIEWS , 2014
Integrative pathway analysis of molecular profiles of glioblastoma multiforme for predicting patient survivalCancer Research, 2014
A125: immunomodulatory factors produced by mesenchymal stem cells after in vitro priming with danger signalsArthritis & Rheumatology, 2014
FOXA1 represses the molecular phenotype of basal breast cancer cellsOncogene, 2013
Proteomic analysis of synovial fluid from the osteoarthritic knee: comparison with transcriptome analyses of joint tissuesArthritis & Rheumatism, 2013
Post-NGS: Interpretation and analysis of next generation sequencing data for basic and translational scienceIn Biocomputing 2013 , 2013
Identification of mutated peptides/proteins driving cancer phenotype utilizing improved shotgun proteomics and data analysis approaches.Cancer Research, 2013
Specific kinesin expression profiles associated with taxane resistance in basal-like breast cancerBreast cancer research and treatment, 2012
Chromosome 3 status in uveal melanoma: a comparison of fluorescence in situ hybridization and single-nucleotide polymorphism arrayInvestigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2012
Integrative genomic analysis reveals extended germline homozygosity with lung cancer risk in the PLCO cohortPloS one, 2012
Integrated analysis reveals critical genomic regions in prostate tumor microenvironment associated with clinicopathologic phenotypesClinical Cancer Research, 2012
Network biology methods integrating biological data for translational scienceBriefings in bioinformatics, 2012
Microbiomic subprofiles and MDR1 promoter methylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinomaHuman molecular genetics, 2012
Magnet: Microarray gene expression and network evaluation toolkitNucleic acids research, 2012
Proteomic and bioinformatic profile of primary human oral epithelial cellsJournal of proteome research, 2012
Identifying gene interaction networksStatistical human genetics: methods and protocols, 2012
Correlation of microbiomic profiles with disease status and MDR1 methylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).2012
Identification of a central role for complement in osteoarthritisNature medicine, 2011
DADA: degree-aware algorithms for network-based disease gene prioritizationBioData mining, 2011
Disease gene prioritization based on topological similarity in protein-protein interaction networksIn Research in Computational Molecular Biology: 15th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 28-31, 2011. Proceedings 15 , 2011
Germline mutations in MSR1, ASCC1, and CTHRC1 in patients with Barrett esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinomaJAmA, 2011
Vavien: an algorithm for prioritizing candidate disease genes based on topological similarity of proteins in interaction networksJournal of computational biology, 2011
Microenvironmental genomic alterations reveal signaling networks for head and neck squamous cell carcinomaJournal of clinical bioinformatics, 2011
INTEGRATIVE–OMICS FOR TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE–Session IntroductionIn Biocomputing 2011 , 2011
BiC: a web server for calculating bimodality of coexpression between gene and protein networksBioinformatics, 2011
Pacific symposium on biocomputing 2011In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2011, PSB 2011 , 2011
Prediction and testing of biological networks underlying intestinal cancerPLoS One, 2010
PETALS: Proteomic evaluation and topological analysis of a mutated locus’ signalingBMC bioinformatics, 2010
Phylogenetic analysis of modularity in protein interaction networksBMC bioinformatics, 2009
Comparative analysis of modularity in biological systemsIn 2009 Ohio Collaborative Conference on Bioinformatics , 2009
PathFinder: mining signal transduction pathway segments from protein-protein interaction networksBMC bioinformatics, 2007
Analyzing and modeling large biological networks: Inferring signal transduction pathwaysCase Western Reserve University , 2007
Accurate Elimination of False Protein-Protein InteractionsRECOMB 2007, 2007
The degree distribution of the generalized duplication modelTheoretical Computer Science, 2006
Improved duplication models for proteome network evolutionIn Systems Biology and Regulatory Genomics: Joint Annual RECOMB 2005 Satellite Workshops on Systems Biology and on Regulatory Genomics, San Diego, CA, USA; December 2-4, 2005, Revised Selected Papers , 2006
Topological properties of proteome networksIn Proceedings of RECOMB satellite meeting on System Biology. LNBI, Springer , 2005
Anti-Tamper Databases: Inference control techniquesunpublished paper, 2002